
Lord - 
We offer you all we are, all we have, all we do, and all whom we shall meet this day, that you will be given the glory. 
We offer you our homes and work, our schools and leisure, and everyone in our community today; may all be done as unto you. 
We offer you the broken and hungry... 
May the wealth and work of the world be available to all and for the exploitation of none. May your presence be known to all.


As the press of work pauses at noon,
may God's Rest be upon us. 
As the sun rides high at noon, 
may the Sun of Righteousness shine upon us. 
As the rain refreshes the stained, stale streets, 
may the Spirit bring rain upon our dry ground.


We offer You, Lord, the troubles of this day; we lay down our burdens at your feet. Forgive us our sins, give us your peace, and help us to receive your Word. We give you thanks that you are always present, in all things each day and each night. We give you thanks for your gifts of creation, life, and friendship. We give you thanks for the blessings of this day...


In the name of the restful Father, 
In the name of the calming Son, 
In the name of the peaceful Spirit. 
May we and God be one...

I place my soul and body under your guarding this night, 0 God, 
0 Father of help to frail pilgrims, Protector of heaven and earth.

I place my soul and body 
Under your guarding this night, 0 Christ, 
0 Son of the tears and the piercings, 
May your cross this night be my shield.

I place my soul and body 
Under your glowing this night, 0 Spirit, 
0 gentle Companion, and soul Friend, 
My heart's eternal warmth.

Copyright Ray Simpson for the Community of Aidan and Hilda. Used with permission.