Posted in Prayers for Natural Disasters.
O God, the Creator of all life, and of this world in which we live: we pray for wisdom and discernment during this summer season as we face into the global climate crisis.
We call to mind the words of the Psalmist: “O LORD, how manifold are your works! in wisdom. You have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” You called us from the beginning to be good stewards of your creation. We confess before you that, in countless ways, we have not been obedient to your command. We have not honored you in the best use of the works of your hands.
And now, o God, more than ever before we face into the con sequences of the human misuse of and disregard for the natural environment. The weather has become extreme and violent, and we struggle to manage the climate crisis. The people in every part of this world must live with historic heat waves, severe storms and massive typhoons and hurricanes, and unsurpassed flooding. We confess our helplessness as we struggle with the rise of sea levels and water temperature.
We pray for all who have died in this climate crisis: those who cannot handle heat extremes at home or in outdoor work. We grieve for your creatures on land and in the sea whose survival is threatened. Forests are on fire around the world and are challenging to control. we pray for the safety of all who fight these wildfires.
Have mercy, o God, on us and all of the created order. Help us, by the grace of your Holy Spirit, to use our minds to strive for ways to manage the climate crisis. Hold the leaders of the nations to account for the policies they set, or fail to set, for stewardship of creation.
And give each of us the courage and will to do our part individually and in community to promote the best use of your creation. Empower us all to work for the healing of this good Earth and to help others find hope in the ministry of environmental stewardship. Amen.